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Battleground Server CommandsMost admin commands (as well as the client commands "commands" and "acommands") are also available as "sv" commands on the serveradmincode [password] Change the admin password to [password]. This may also be accomplished by updating the variable "admin_password" on the server itself. adminmode [client|admin|strict] Set the security level. The security levels are as follows: "client" Allows all clients to use the "teamname" and "teamskin" commands to modify their team's name and skin. Allows clients to use the "vote" command to alter various server settings. A match will be started once all players have issued the "ready" command. This is the default mode. "admin" Clients are prevented from voting (i.e. an admin must be present to alter server settings). Otherwise similar to adminmode "client". "strict" Only admins may modify team names and skins, change server settings, and start matches or countdowns (using the "start" command). The "ready" and "noready" commands have no effect when this mode is set. If issued with no arguments, the current adminmode will be printed. admins Display a list of players who are currently admins. allow [id|status|all] Control use of non-standard deathmatch features. The following features are available: "id" CTF-style player identification. If "id" is allowed, clients may enable the feature for themselves by issuing the "id" command at the console. "status" Allow CTF-style team status messages. "all" Enable all of the above enhancements. ban [IP|subnet|userid] Add a specific IP a player's IP, or an entire subnet to the ban list. If the argument is a player number, that player's IP will be added. If it is an IP, the IP will be added (doh!). If the supplied IP ends in 0 (i.e., the entire subnet will be banned. bans Show all banned IPs. battlemode [match|dm|individual] Switch between match mode and standard id deathmatch. If the mode is set to "match", the level will be restarted, players will be presented with the join menu, and players will not be able to touch weapons until a match is begun. If it is set to "dm", the teamplay features of this mod will be disabled. If it is set to "individual", the server will be switched to a mode similar to match mode, but without teams (i.e. a match-like FFA mode). If called with no arguments, the current battlemode will be printed. bfg [0|1] An argument of 0 will prevent the BFG from respawning on the current level, and prevent it from being spawned in the first place on future levels. An argument of 1 (the default) allows the BFG to spawn as usual. botdetect [flags] Control Zbot detection settings. A flags value of 0 turns off detection. The supplied sum of the following values controls what action is performed when a bot is detected: 1 log bot usage to BotDetect.log 2 report bot usage to the server console 4 kick bots 8 ban bots The default setting is 7 (log, report, and kick). break Stop a match or countdown. changemap [map] Change the map. counttime [time] Set or display the countdown time in seconds. If issued with no arguments, the current value will be printed. defaultname [num] [name] Set the default team names for 2-team mode (i.e. match mode with "maxteams" of 2). The team names will automatically be set to the values specified here when the mode is switched from dm or individual mode to match mode when maxteams is 2. For example, "defaultname 1 A" would cause the name for the first team to be set to "A" at mode switch time. defaultskin [num] [name] Set the default team skins for 2-team mode (i.e. match mode with "maxteams" of 2). The team skins will automatically be set to the values specified here when the mode is switched from dm or individual mode to match mode when maxteams is 2. For example, "defaultskin 2 male/grunt" would cause the second team's skin to be set to "male/grunt" at mode switch time. details Display server status information. Similar to the basic Quake2 "status" command, except the status information is printed directly to the admin's console rather than that of the server. This command is mainly used to get player number of IP address information for use with the "kickuser", "ban", and "kickban" commands. disallow [id|status|all] Control use of non-standard deathmatch features. Exactly the opposite of "allow". dm [match|dm] [0|1] Set the "dm" mode as defined in many popular Quake/QuakeWorld teamplay mods. See the "dmf" command for a description of the "dm" and "match" arguments. The modes are as follows: 0 Weapons disappear when picked up and later respawn 1 Weapons do not disappear when picked up Note that modifications to the "dmflags" using "dmf" or the console variable may affect the "dm" mode. dmf [match|dm] [dmflags] Set the dmflags. This allows admins to control such features as whether team damage is on or off, and whether weapons stay or respawn. All dmflags values valid in Threewave CTF2 are valid here.If called with no dmflags argument, prints the current dmflags. This command has three forms: dmf [limit] Set the dmflags for the current mode. This does not alter the default value for that mode, and it will not be retained across a mode switch. dmf match [limit] Set the default match mode dmflags. This value will be restored each time the server is switched to match mode. dmf dm [limit] Set the default deathmatch mode dmflags. This value will be restored each time the server is switched to deathmatch mode. NOTE that directly changing the "dmflags" console variabe will have the same effect as "dmf [limit]". fl [match|dm] [limit] Set the fraglimit. If called with no limit argument, prints the current fraglimit. This command has three forms: fl [limit] Set the fraglimit for the current mode. This does not alter the default value for that mode, and it will not be retained across a mode switch. fl match [limit] Set the default match mode fraglimit. This value will be restored each time the server is switched to match mode. fl dm [limit] Set the default deathmatch mode fraglimit. This value will be restored each time the server is switched to deathmatch mode. NOTE that directly changing the "fraglimit" console variabe will have the same effect as "fl [limit]". ghostlist Display a list of the names and codes of all ghosts. Useful when a player reconnects and has forgotten his code. hold Toggle to pause/unpause the game. item [itemname] [0|1] Allow or disallow the use of any valid Quake2 item (weapons, health, powerups, etc.). Currently you must specify the name of the item as it is known to Quake2 (for example, "super shotgun" or "quad damage"). The exception is health; "item health 0" will prevent *all* types of health from spawning, and "item health 1" will allow all types of health to spawn. The effect of this command is immediate-- any allowed item will be spawned into the game, and any disallowed item will be removed from the level and all player inventories. Also, to enable or disable any individual type of health, use the names "Small Health", "Normal Health", "Large Health", and "Megahealth". The keywords "powerups" and "armor" may be used to control the settings of all powerups (quad, invulnerability, power shield, rebreather, and envirosuit) and all types of armor, respectively. The keyword "ammo" may be used to control the settings for all types of ammo, and the keyword "all" may be used to control the settings of all items in the game. Finally, the keyword "weapons" may be used to control the settings of all weapons. itemflags [flags] Quicker item control than provided by the "item" command, but this command requires the use of basic addition skills. The flag values for each item are as follows: Blaster 0 (ALWAYS allowed) Shotgun 1 Super Shotgun 2 Machinegun 4 Chaingun 8 Grenade Launcher 16 Rocket Launcher 32 Hyperblaster 64 Railgun 128 BFG10K 256 Grenades 512 Bullets 1024 Shells 2048 Cells 4096 Rockets 8192 Slugs 16384 Small Health 32768 Health 65536 Large Health 131072 Megahealth 262144 Armor Shard 524288 Jacket Armor 1048576 Combat Armor 2097152 Body Armor 4194304 Power Shield 8388608 (also handles Power Screen) Quad Damage 16777216 Invulnerability 33554432 Silencer 67108864 Rebreather 134217728 Enviroment Suit 268435456 Ammo Pack 536870912 Bandolier< 1073741824 Adrenaline 2147483648 To control items using itemflags, add up the values of all items you wish to allow, and give that value to the itemflags command. The sum of all item values is 4294967295. joincodes Display the joincodes for both teams. kickban [userid] Simultaneously kick and ban a user. kickuser [userid] Kick a user off the server. maxping [ping] Set the maximum allowable ping for players. If a player's average ping rises above this value for a sustained period of time, the player is removed from gameplay. The default ping-maximum is 0, which causes all pings to be allowed. maxplayers [max] Set the maximum number of players that may join each team. The value must not be greater than half of the server's "maxclients" value. The default value of 0 does *not* impose a maximum number of players per team. The value may be set to less than maxclients/2 to reserver some number of spots for observers. Note that if the value is changed such that one or more teams already has more players than the new value, the extra players will *not* be kicked from the offending team. It is up to the admin to kick the extras, if desired. If called with no arguments, this command will print the current value. maxrate [rate] Set the maximum allowed client "rate" setting. If a client's "rate" is greater than this value, it is automatically adjusted. The default is 0 (no maximum). maxteams [num] Set the maximum number of teams allowed on the server. The default is 2 (traditional Quake2 Battleground limit), but it may be changed to allow up to 64 teams. If the value is changed to be smaller than the current number of teams, extra teams are destroyed. minping [ping] Set the minimum allowable ping for players. If a player's average ping falls below this value for a sustained period of time, the player is removed from gameplay. The default ping-minimum is 0, so all pings are allowed. minplayers [min] Set the minimum number of players that must be on a team before a match may begin. The value must be between 0 and half of the server's "maxclients", and it may not be greater than "maxplayers" (unless of course maxplayers is 0). This setting is useful for preventing a match from starting before all players have arrived. The default value is 0 (no minimum). NOTE: an admin may force a match to start even if one or both of the teams does not have the minimum number of players. minrate [rate] Set the minimum allowed client "rate" setting. If a client's "rate" is less than this value, it is automatically adjusted. The default is 0 (no minimum). minteams [num] Set the minimum number of teams needed before a match may start. The default is 2. mode [match|dm|individual] Switch between match mode and standard id deathmatch. If the mode is set to "match", the level will be restarted, players will be presented with the join menu, and players will not be able to touch weapons until a match is begun. If it is set to "dm", the teamplay features of this mod will be disabled. If it is set to "individual", the server will be switched to a mode similar to match mode, but without teams (i.e. a match-like FFA mode). If called with no arguments, the current battlemode will be printed. multi [map1] [map2] ... Set the maps to be played in a multi-round match. The number of rounds is determined automatically based on the number of maps specified. Called with no arguments, this command will print the maps to be played. noadmin Revoke your admin privileges. obsmode [speak|whisper|shutup] If set to "speak", observers will be able to speak to players during matches. If set to "whisper", observers will only be able to speak with other observers during matches. The default setting is "speak". If set to "shutup", observers simply may not speak. This setting does not prevent admins from speaking if they are observers. overtime [mode] [time] Set the overtime mode. Valid modes are "none" (no overtime, match may end in a tie), "timed" (if tied at the end of a match, the round is extended for a given number of minutes), and "death" (sudden death -- next frag wins). If no time is given for "timed" mode, the match is extended for 5 minutes. The default overtime mode is "death". pretime [time] Set or display the pregame time in seconds. This is the time that will be allowed between rounds of a multi-round match, to give clients a chance to reconnect. If issued with no arguments, the current value will be printed. resume Resume a paused game. selfdamage [match|dm] [0|1] If set to 0 (the default), players may cause harm to themselves. If set to 1, they are protected from their own weapons' fire. See the "dmf" command for a description of the "dm" and "match" arguments. spawnprot [time] Set the number of seconds a player will be invulnerable after respawn. Note that if the player picks up any item prior to the end of this period, the protection will be removed. Default is 0 (no spawn protection). start [match|countdown|multi] Begin a match or countdown, whether or not all players are ready. stoptime [time] Set the time (in minutes) to wait for players to return before stopping a match if only one team is left. The server will auto-pause for the duration of the time (or until a player from the other team rejoins). This feature is most useful for 1-on-1 matches, when an accidental disconnect would otherwise stop the match. The default stoptime is 0 (disabled), which means that matches end immediately if only one team has players. switch [time] Set the amount of time the server can be idle before automatically switching to DM mode. The server is considered "idle" if there are no players on it. The default of 0 means "do not automatically switch". teamname [team] [name] Change the name for [team] to [name]. If the team argument is omitted, assumes you wish to chage the name of your own team. teamskin [team] [skin] Change the skin for [team] to [skin]. If the team argument is omitted, assumes you wish to chage the name of your own team. timeouts [num] [duration] Set the number of timeouts allowed per team, and the duration in seconds of each. The default is no timeouts, and the default duration is 30 seconds. The "timeouts" command with no arguments will display the total timeouts per team and the number remaining for each team. tl [match|dm] [limit] Set the timelimit. If called with no limit argument, prints the current timelimit. This command has three forms: tl [limit] Set the timelimit for the current mode. This does not alter the default value for that mode, and it will not be retained across a mode switch. tl match [limit] Set the default match mode timelimit. This value will be restored each time the server is switched to match mode. tl dm [limit] Set the default deathmatch mode timelimit. This value will be restored each time the server is switched to deathmatch mode. NOTE that directly changing the "timelimit" console variabe will have the same effect as "tl [limit]". tp [1-4] Set the teamplay mode as defined in many popular Quake/QuakeWorld teamplay mods. The modes are as follows: 1 Players cannot cause damage to themselves, their teammates, their armor, or their teammates' armor. 2 No self or teammate health or armor protection. A player's frag total is decremented by 1 for each teammate kill. This is the default "dm" setting. 3 Players can cause damage to themselves and their own armor but can only damage teammates' armor. (Only teammate health protection is enabled.) 4 Players can cause damage to themselves and their own armor but cannot cause damage to teammates or their armor. (Teammate health and armor protection enabled.) Note that modifications to the "dmflags" using "dmf" or the console variable may affect the teamplay mode. See the "dmf" command for a description of the "dm" and "match" arguments. unban [IP] Remove an IP from the ban list. unreadyall Remove the "ready" status of all players. warmup [pct] Set the percentage of players that must ready up before the server switches from full-combat warmup to no-fire pregame. A value of 100 causes warmup to last until the countdown bagins, and a value of 0 disables warmup mode. The default is 50. |
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