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Playing OnlineYou'll need a computer with Quake 2 installed on, a connection to the internet, a server address and the correct version.Connection to the internetYour endTo have a playable ping, you will need something like a 56k modem. To have a decent ping, you will need an ISDN line, which will plug into a terminal adaptor. To be the envy of almost every other poor sod on the net, you'll need a leased line.Obviously, the faster you go the more it will cost, but a ping of 100-200 is ok, and easily achievable with a 56k modem and a clean phone line. Their endYou'll need a decent connection between the ISP and the server you want to play; the fewer hops the better. If you want to play on a force 9 server, use a force 9 dialup.ConnectingWith a shortcutSimply create a shortcut to quake2.exe, and add+connect [server] to the target box.For example, if you are going to connect to the Force 9 deathmatch server, make the shortcut out to something along the lines of C:\Quake2\Quake2.exe +connect .
With GamespyGamespy is a very powerful game launcher, you name an online 1st person game, you can launch it with gamespy.I personally don't use it, but I have only ever heard good things about it. You load the program, set it up, and click connect. In effect all it does is creates a shortcut on the fly, but before you connect you can see what is happening on the server, ie who is there, what their scores are etc. From within the gameSimply bring down the console (~ ) and type connect [server] (ie connect ) then press enter.
Force9 Serversquake2.force9.netThis used to be a standard baseq2 server, but due to some wankers using aimbots, Dave Richards (guy in charge of the force9 game servers) has had to change it to a battleground dm server.How to start playing: When you connect to the server, you will be in Spectator mode. Press fire and jump to cycle between players and camera angles. To join in the game, open your inventory (default key tab ) and use the inventory movement keys (default keys[ ] ) to move to the word 'Join', and press enter. Then run for a gun and start :) is the first of the two force9 teamplay servers. Perfect for a 1 on 1 or a fully blown clan match.How to start playing: When you connect to the server, you will be in Spectator mode. Press fire and jump to cycle between players and camera angles. If there is a match going, there will be a timer at the bottom showing how long is left. If there is no timer, then you can join. Again, open your inventory, but this time choose which team you wish to join.'s the same as the server above. |
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